
Remember, everything on this site is provided with a dash of Yorkshire wit. We can’t promise you’ll love every minute of your visit, but we can promise it’ll be memorable.
I do my best to make sure this site is kept up to date and any information is correct.
However, as I dislike the general public so much, I tend to visit these places when you're not there so your experience may be different to mine.
While you are here you may have unexpected encounters with some of my kin, so be prepared and wear your thickest skin.
There are a lot of indescisive nellies about that are always changing things so don't be suprised if things are more expensive when you visit! In fact with the current economic situation I would plan for that.
A lot of the pictures on this site, like the one at the top of this page, are taken when the weather is nice and you will see blue sky - Don't be fooled, the chances are that it is going to piss with rain most of the time you are here.
Yorkshire weather is about as predictable as a sheep on a bicycle. It might be sunny, it might rain, and if you’re really lucky, it might do both at the same time. Always carry a brolly and a sense of humour.
We also cannot be held responsible for any broken ankles caused by attempting to climb the Three Peaks in flip-flops, or any cases of hypothermia resulting from refusing to wear a coat despite the biting wind.